I also made deviled eggs for the very first time. And I might as well say this right off the bat.....I did not get a photo. I know...what was I thinking??? Obviously I was not...LOL. The best part about the deviled eggs was that I used a recipe from my newest cookbook titled, Sunday Dinner by the Mt. View Cumberland Presbyterian Church in Dover Tennessee. This cookbook was sent to us by our friends Sonny and Barb Humphries. They escaped the snow of Michigan and relocated in Tennessee. Thank you Barb and Sonny.
Here is the recipe I used
Deviled Eggs by Ann Allen
6 hard boiled eggs
3 Tbsp Mayo
1 Tbsp sugar
1 tsp dry mustard
1 tsp white vinegar
salt and pepper to taste
Paprika (Optional)
Cook eggs and chill. Peel eggs and cut in half lengthwise. Mash yolks with fork, add remaining ingredients. Spoon mixture back into the egg white halves. Sprinkle with paprika if desired.
Let me say paprika is not optional in this Hungarian home. Paprika is mandatory...LOL. I also added just a touch of dill weed to the top of the deviled eggs. I use dill weed in many of my recipes especially chicken based soups.
These were deeeeeelish.